Thursday, August 4, 2011

Utah part 2

Jared, his brother in law John and his dad headed to Sherwood Forest to do some golfing and they took Jack too (but I couldn't find the pics of jack).
John holding up the golf cart
We had a cookout at my moms house with the Poulsen's so here I am with my sister Meg and my mother.
Me and my Man
the twins, Tina and Nicole hiding out in the playhouse. I am sure Hadley is in there somewhere!
My brother in law John. I thought this pic was funny because he looks so serious and if you know John he is quite the opposite.
Grandpa with Sean. He hadn't met Sean until we went to Utah this June.
Can I get a Woot Woot?!
Ella, Bridger and Ben. Welcome to the GUN SHOW
The kids playin in Nan's yard
Grandma and Grandpa with Sean

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